Frequently asked Questions
What are your office hours?
Office hours are Monday - Friday by appointment only. We DO accept payments in the form of CHECK at the office location 24 X 7 X 365 via the slot in the front door. NO CASH PLEASE.
What utilities are residents responsible for?
In most units residents are responsible for all utilities, gas, electric, and water. Prior to move in, resident's need to contact the utility companies to establish service.
How do I arrange to view a property?
Please click the application button at the top left of the page. Once completed, applications are weighed and appointments are arranged. Applications that are incomplete or found to be erronious will be discarded. See detailed info here.
What is considered a maintenance emergency?
A true emergency is something that threatens your physical being or the structure of the apartment, below is things we consider an emergency:
Severe running water causing damage. (Try to shut the water off)
Fire (Call the fire department first, then contact us)
No heat (Temperature below 32 degrees)
Break in (ie: burglary, robbery) first call the police, then contact us.
No electric in all of apartment (If electric is out to refrigerator for some time and you suffer food loss, your rental insurance should cover the damage)
If you have any of the problems listed, please submit a maintenance request using the link above. Please make sure if you report an emergency; that you give a phone number and stay by the phone so a member of our emergency team can contact you back. See detailed information here.
My lease has been fulfilled, what notice do I need to provide prior to vacating the home?
A 30 day written notice is required prior to the 1st of the month in which you intend to vacate. As an example if you intend to vacate on July 31st, you must provide notice on or prior to June 30th. This notice shall be provided to:
My personal relationship status has changed. How does that effect my lease?
Your lease terms do not change when your personal relationship status changes. Leases are a binding contract and continue as such with all signed parties until they are fulfilled.